Our production


Tv shows

Film festivals

Film awards
What IFF?
About Iff
We focus on realtionship building country to country thru Entertainment. We wanted to get to the root of problems and simply help solve them. So we sought out to find the missing puzzle piece for filmakers worldwide. We are known for being the only international film festivals that offers distribution. Our team selects the Best of the Best. We want the creatives to be able to do what they do while being able to get properly compensated.
Lindsay Rose the Founder of IFF is known as the ” Filmprenuer.” She has been in the film industry for over 10 years hosting festivals in many places. She is also the Exceutive producer behind The American Family Makeover. Then has gone to be associate producer behind a foreign film called” Vino Royale”.
Lindsay has been fortunatate to connecting with Executives from across the world who want to make a difference thru various outlets… We call this the ripple effect… It takes one person who has a vision to get in alignment with others. IFF has formed partnerships with many filmakers who had nowhere for their films to go. IFF supports the various elements of filmaking that also includes music, and the culture of many worldwide influences.
This is a platform for others voices to be heard. To raise awareness thru film makers and people who are great at being creative while not having to think about the end result. Our CEO thinks of things from Z to A. She is going to be highlighting and showcasing the BEST of the BEST filmakers across the world. We don’t just give out awards; If selected, we provide distribution worldwide!
International Film Festivals
Connecting the World to the talent and contributors of film.
Connecting the world to the Films of the Future!
We thank you for visiting us and look forward to your participation and support to helping us spread the world of film to the rest of the world.
Let's Talk TV Show
SpotE TV, in association with the International Fim Festivals (IFF), is producing this talk show hosted by Lindsay Rose. This show will show case film makers, actors, actresses, musicians, artists and experts from across the world! Get ready to have your mind take you away to places that only a movie can typically take you.
Do you have any question?
To contact us you can send us message via contact us page or call us over phone .